
Circuits Touristiques

Tour examples

Many other tours as possible :

  • Caves de Faugères
  • La cité de Carcassonne
  • Musée du jouet (jouets et merveilles d'antan)
  • Caves de Roquefort
  • Montpellier : Place de la comédie, zoo du Lunaret, promenade du Peyrou, Jardin des plantes...
  • Béziers : jardin des Evêques, la cathédrale Saint-Nazaire et Saint-Celse, le pont Roman, l'amphithêatre gallo-romain, le Canal du Midi, Tourisme Fluvial...
  • ...


We develop all possible channels to your liking so that you discover tourism in Languedoc-Roussillon.





Scénovision Molière Pézenas

A unique place in the world
Let yourself be swept away in the whirl of Molière's life
In a XVIIth century atmosphere, in the heart of the sumptuous private mansion Hôtel de Peyrat, settings, images and sound will carry you from the little streets of Pézenas to the theatre wings, a fair or at Molière's last performance.


Scenovision Molière de Pézenas dans l'Hérault


The Millau Viaduct

The Millau viaduct is the outcome of an amazing history. From its design to its construction, hundreds of men have given their energy and ingenuity to take part in this unique structure. At the peak of the work, nearly 600 employees were working on the site. They mastered the most modern technologies (laser, GPS…) to control the construction of this steel and concrete giant to the nearest millimetre. And it only took three years, from December 2001 to December 2004.


Length: 2,460 m
Width: 32 m
Maximum height: 343 m, or 19 m higher than the Eiffel Tower


viaduc de millau


Lérab Ling : Buddhist Temple

Located to the northwest of Montpellier in France, Lerab Ling has established itself as one of the leading centres of Tibetan Buddhist culture and learning in Europe


Visit in English or German: Audio guides are available.


Temple Lerab Ling


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